Reading these books will increase your python learning journey 10x than normal people!
Dive in python's world with those amazing Books
why Python?
According to 2020 LinkedIn data, Python is the second most in-demand programming language, after Java. Learning how to read and write Python will give you an advantage over other job candidates, and improve your employability. Best of all, it is a skill you can carry with you and apply to different industries including :
web development.
data science and data analysis.
machine learning.
Let's Start The Journey :
I will begin by recommending some amazing books that I read and get benefits from them, every book will contain a personal description :
Think Python :
This book is amazing for a beginner it provides the tools to handle exercises and lets you understand them very easily side by side with the chapter. For that matter makes sure to do the exercises and keep up with them…
Learn Python The Hard Way :
I don’t think you should start with this one at all because I found it very difficult to handle, there are a lot of figures and if you want to read it you should read “THINK PYTHON “ first …
Python Crash Course :
This book is AMAZING it’s starting with some python basics and then some projects wich that book provides, still I think you should take a look at THINK PYTHON then this book is the second On your list...