BEFORE Programming 101: Intro

BEFORE Programming 101: Intro

What you should really know before you start so code !

While learning python, I realize that there is something missing, I give myself a little time to organize my stuff and fix the problem, and finally, I came with the fact that there is something very interesting to learn before diving into programming and starting to write codes. However, I decided to start a series of blogs about it.

concepts :

What we going to learn in the next few blogs are the following concepts :

  • OOP: Object-Oriented Programming.

  • design patterns.

  • data structures.

Why do we need to understand those concepts?

Learning Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) design patterns and data structures can help you to boost your programming journey in several ways:

  • Efficient code organization.

  • Reusability of code.

  • Better performance.

  • Improved code quality.

  • Better problem-solving skills.

  • A better understanding of programming concepts.

Well, stay tuned peace.